Currently In The City

Currently In The City

Gospel Series

The South Main St. Assembly will be hosting a series of gospel meetings.

Stay tuned for updates on special events happening in our city!

Mini Conference

The South Burnaby Gospel Hall invites you to a series of ministry meetings.

Ministry Meetings

The South Main St. Assembly will be hosting a series of ministry meetings.

“The Seven Churches of Asia – Revelation Chapters 2 and 3”
Mon: Introduction to the seven churches
Tues: The coldness of Ephesus
Wed: The compromise of Pergamos
Thurs: The consistency of Philadelphia
Friday: The conceit of Laodicea


Ministry Meetings

The Richmond assembly will be hosting a series of ministry meetings.

“What is a Man of God” & “The Making of a Man Of God” (Blair Martin)
Mon: Moses -The Communion of the Man of God, His Prayerfulness
Tues: David – The Consecration of the Man of God, His Selflessness
Wed: Elijah – The Courage of the Man of God, His Fearlessness
Thurs: Timothy – The Commitment of the Man of God, His Faithfulness

“Keep on Keeping On” Acts 2:42 (Gordon McCracken)
Mon: They continued steadfastly – in the apostles’ doctrine
Tues: They continued steadfastly – in fellowship
Wed: They continued steadfastly – in breaking of bread
Thurs: They continued steadfastly – in prayers

Ministry Meetings

The Fairview assembly will be hosting a series of ministry meetings on the subject of God’s government and prophecy.


Ministry Meetings

The Fairview assembly will be hosting a series of ministry meetings on the subject of Levitical Offerings.

Speaker: Sandy Higgins
Date: November 6th to 10th, 2023
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: 7601 Main St, Vancouver, BC South Main St. Gospel Hall
If you aren’t able to join in-person you can visit their website ( for the live-stream link.

Notice: Our regular Gospel Meeting is canceled during Thanksgiving Conference weekend. Join us for a special gospel meeting at the conference!